Cleaning and Cleanliness verification

ATG Group provides complete special process delivery as a supplier solution for a range of companies from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

New special process of cleaning anc cleanliness verification was fully implemented in ATG in 2018. Process is primarily focused on cleaning of new turbopropeller engines GE Catalyst from company GE Aviation. Process is approved byGE Aviation  P4TF21 specification aid is suitable especially for testing of critical aircraft components. 

Process utilizies multilevel cleaning process, that may include one or more from the following: air pressure cleaning, cleaning by izopropylalcool, ultrasonic cleaning and cleaning by water jet. All is performed in an pressurized clean room and with using protective tools to minimize possible contamination of parts.

Cleanliness verification by optical microscope may be included to the process delivery. For this purpose ATG Ltd. Utilizes outstanding optical microscopes from company NIKON. Current process is comfortably able to clean parts and verify the cleanliness level acc. to number of particles including particles up to 100 µm.

Due to its high requirements created by the aerospace industry this process is also suitable for use acc. to ISO 16 232 standard in e.g. automotive industry.

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